Why does Matlab mex does not have a day type like scanf

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Here's my problem, I have a c++ code that I'm compiling in mex and so far it's doing great. But it's supposed to take different input from the user to perform different tasks. When it prompts the user to enter the input and canny recognize it. I've read on plenty website that mex doesn't have scanf and getchar. But I fount this example in the Matlab website with the reply and isempty function but that created more errors for me. Is there any other way.
Im using R2007b, and win64,window7.VS 2005.
The part I want to fix goes like this:
Do this}
If (ans==b)
Do that
Do nothing
The code itself runs great in C
Please help
  1 Comment
Jan on 24 Jan 2013
What does this sentence mean: "But I fount this example in the Matlab website with the reply and isempty function but that created more errors for me"?

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Answers (3)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 23 Jan 2013

Jan on 24 Jan 2013
You can use mexCallMATLAB to call Matlab's input() or any other Matlab commands.

Mini Me
Mini Me on 24 Jan 2013
Walter Robertson, And Jan Simon That mexCallMATLAB(1,&num.....) does not seem to take any characters. It creates an error stating no conversion from int to mxArray. Not sure if I'm doing this right but I want to use character input instead of numbers but so far I get errors
  1 Comment
Jan on 24 Jan 2013
Did you read the documentation of this command already? See: doc mexCallMATLAB. Obviously you did not use the command correctly as the error message tells you. If you post the code, we had a chance to give a suggestion for improvements.
Please post comments in the comment section, not as an answer. Thanks.

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