Write a function called valid_date that takes three positive integer scalar inputs year, month, day. If these three represent a valid date, return a logical true, otherwise false. The name of the output argument is valid.

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unction valid = valid_date(year,month,day)
if year < 1 || ~isscalar(year) || year ~= fix(year)
valid1 = false;
valid1 = true;
if month > 12 || month < 1 || ~isscalar(month) || month ~= fix(month)
valid2 = false;
valid2 = true;
if month == 1 || month == 3 || month == 5 || month == 7 || month == 8 || month == 10 || month == 12
if day > 31 || day < 1 || ~isscalar(day) || day ~= fix(day)
valid3 = false;
valid4 = false;
valid5 = false;
valid6 = false;
valid3 = true;
valid4 = false;
valid5 = false;
valid6 = false;
if month == 2
if year/4 ~= fix(year/4) || ( year/100 == fix(year/100) && year/400 ~= fix(year/400) )
if day > 28 || day < 1 || ~isscalar(day) || day ~= fix(day)
valid4 = false;
valid3 = false;
valid5 = false;
valid6 = false;
valid4 = true;
valid3 = false;
valid5 = false;
valid6 = false;
else if day > 29 || day < 1 || ~isscalar(day) || day ~= fix(day)
valid5 = false;
valid3 = false;
valid4 = false;
valid6 = false;
valid5 = true;
valid3 = false;
valid4 = false;
valid6 = false;
if month == 4 || month == 6 || month == 9 || month == 11
if day > 30 || day < 1 || ~isscalar(day) || day ~= fix(day)
valid6 = false;
valid3 = false;
valid4 = false;
valid5 = false;
valid6 = true;
valid3 = false;
valid4 = false;
valid5 = false;
if valid1 == true && valid2 == true && ( valid3 == true || valid4 == true || valid5 == true || valid6 == true )
valid = true;
valid = false;
so i know this is not the best of solutions but i tried to not get anything online and just use what i know, so it works good except for detecting non scalar inputs, so when u give it a vector or a matrix it just gives an error and doesn't give the output false and i don't know why

Answers (1)

Rik on 22 Sep 2020
You test everything at once. You can do that, but you need to pay attention to what is evaluated first:
%steps in evaluation:
[3 4]<0 || ~isscalar([3 4])
[false false] || ~isscalar([3 4])
%steps in evaluation:
~isscalar([3 4]) || [3 4]<0
true || [3 4]<0
true % the second condition is not tested, because || and && and short-circuit
Mohamed Amr
Mohamed Amr on 22 Sep 2020
Yea that is what i did to make it work, i put an if at the start of the function to check if everything is scalar with the rest of the function nested in it and an else end at the end of function but i just didn’t know what was wrong with this one since it seemed to be exactly like the one in the course except that it wasn’t, the order was different but i didn’t know that can affect it
Thanks alot for your help 😃
Rik on 23 Sep 2020
For bonus rigor you can also test if you have three input arguments with nargin.
Glad to be of help. If my answer solved your problem, please consider marking it as accepted answer. If not, feel free to comment with your remaining issues.

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