Hi, I am having some trouble with a plot. I am trying to plot pressure vs. time using an equation for pressure with respect to time. Whenever I plot this I get a blank graph, so i'm not sure what the problem is. I appreciate any help!
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Po = 400000;
Patm = 101325;
rhowater = 1000;
Vo = .00133333;
Anoz = pi*(.010668)^2;
syms P t
P = Po + (((-1.4*P*((P/Po)^(5/7)))/Vo)*(Anoz*sqrt((P-Patm)/rhowater)))*t;
Eqn = solve(P,t);
Peq = Eqn;
fplot(Peq,[0 1])
ylim ([0 450000])
xlabel('time (s) ')
ylabel('Pressure (Pa) ')
Answers (2)
on 6 Aug 2024
Edited: VBBV
on 6 Aug 2024
@Sarah Fries Try using the vpasolve function and solve the equation for well defined input time interval. In your code, you were trying to solve the equation for time variable, and contains two unknown variables, i.e. P and t the first variable is Pressure, which needs to be evaluated (solved) while the second variable is just time which can be defined arbitrarily to check how the pressure varies with time.
Po = 400000;
Patm = 101325;
rhowater = 1000;
Vo = .00133333;
Anoz = pi*(.010668)^2;
t = 0:1:20; % define a time vector
syms P
for k = 1:numel(t)
eqn = P-(Po + (((-1.4*P*((P/Po)^(5/7)))/Vo)*(Anoz*sqrt((P-Patm)/rhowater))).*t(k))==0;
sol(k) = vpasolve(eqn,P); % try with vpasolve
% use the simple plot function
ylim ([0 450000]); grid
xlabel('time (s) ')
ylabel('Pressure (Pa) ')
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