Deconvolution of a polynomial and exponential function

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Its been a while since I've been using matlab so I am having trouble with the input parameters of deconv() function.
I would like to deconvolute a function I have gained with polyfit from set of data with a function W=exp(x-exp(x)). If the inputs for deconv() should be coefficients of polynomials, then how am I to input W(x)?
The other function D(x) is already in that format.
Polyfit function is not making much sense for the exponential function.
Aku Forsström
Aku Forsström on 30 Sep 2020
Thank you Jon.
I am trying to analyze temperature data set that I have measured according to a research paper that describes how to gain structure of a material from its thermal step excitation response. In the paper the derivative of this response is deconvoluted with a "smoothing function" W. The idea is to gain time-constant spectra for the response.
In the paper the actual method for deconvolution is not described however. I was hoping that it would be simple matlab function that could do this for me. I dont remember much of my Fourier analysis but I remember that convolution could be considered by two signals slid ontop of each other. So deconvolution would be just the opposite function.
The paper just ends up in a solution that the response function can be described with a convolution-type integral. Then from that it gets the convolution equation
D(x)=R(x) * W(x),
where D(x) and W(x) are known and R(x) is the wanted time-constant spectra.
Do you have ideas on how I could achieve this time-constant spectra using matlab?
yicong on 6 Sep 2024
have you finished this problem? I met this as well as I have no idea of determining the baysian deconvolution iterative form? If YOU finished this, could you help me cuz I would like to pay for this help.

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Answers (3)

Aku Forsström
Aku Forsström on 30 Sep 2020
Here are the figures I'm trying to deconvolve.
  1 Comment
Jon on 30 Sep 2020
Your attachments should probably be moved to a comment as they are not yet an answer

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Jon on 30 Sep 2020
Your overview of what you are trying to do is helpful, but I think a lot more details are needed to help with the MATLAB implementation.
I poked around a little just to learn more about this problem. The problem looks quite involved. In case it helpful here is reference which I think addresses your problem
Manueal Carmona et al, A Time-Domain Method for the Analysis of Thermal Impedance Response Preserving the Convolution Form, IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technology, Vol 22 No. 2. pp 238-244, June 1999
It further references specific discrete time algorithms in:
S. Marco, et al,Improved multi-exponential transient spectroscopy by iterative deconvolution, Proc. IMTC98 Instrum Meas. Tech. Conf, St Paul MN, MAy 1998, pp. 670-674
S.Marco, et al,A novel time-domain method to analyze multicomponent exponential transients meas Sci Technol, vol 6, pp 135-142, 1995
Using these references or some others if you find something (perhaps more recent) that is better,I would suggest you try implementing the algorithm in MATLAB. If you get stuck, then please post what you have tried and what problems your are having (error messages, how to implement a specific step)
Savas Kaya
Savas Kaya on 7 Jun 2023
Aku, Jon and Larry,
Did you ever get a solution/closure on this deconvolution problem?
We are also dealing with the exact same problem and our 1D Richardson deconvolution cannot resolve the expected peaks. I do get the 3 peaks on both real space and Transform approaches, but neither the two approaches agree (they should) nor the peaks are on right places (should have three peaks at ln(10) = 2.3026, ln(1)=,0 and ln(0.1)=-2.3026.
Any ideas and feedback are welcome.
for my MAtlab code and other useful bits see my comemnt below:
Jon on 7 Jun 2023
Sorry, I think the thread above is as far as I got with this.

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larry liu
larry liu on 11 Mar 2022
I got the same trouble as you, have you solved it?

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