Use 'VideoWriter' function to create an AVI file to play
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Hello guys,
Here is my idea, i am try to record a video through camera,
set(obj, 'LoggingMode', 'disk&memory') % log acquired data to disk&memory
writerObj = VideoWriter('newfile','Motion JPEG AVI'); %Construct a VideoWriter object
obj.DiskLogger = writerObj; % Configure the video input object to use the VideoWriter object.
save writerobj
now i v got a file 'writerobj', its in AVI format but why cant i play it? (I v check on 'obj' the video object, it tells me that its disklogger is 1 by 1 unknown array)
I am doing a project and then ready to graduate this quarter.
1 Comment
Walter Roberson
on 9 Feb 2013
Isn't this really a continuation of ?
Accepted Answer
Walter Roberson
on 9 Feb 2013
Edited: Walter Roberson
on 9 Feb 2013
That form of save creates .mat files
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