Deleting rows and columns of all zeroes in a symbolic matrix

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How can I delete all rows and columns of all zeroes in a symbolic matrix?
The solution listed here ( ) does not work when the matrix is symbolic. The any command produces an error "Unable to prove variable-name literally."
Thanks, Kevin

Accepted Answer

Teja Muppirala
Teja Muppirala on 27 Feb 2013
syms x1
data = [ x1, 1, 0 ; 0, 0, 0 ; 0, 1, 0]
data( all( isAlways(data==0) ,2) ,:) = []
data( : ,all( isAlways(data==0) ,1)) = []

More Answers (1)

Shashank Prasanna
Shashank Prasanna on 26 Feb 2013
The following worked perfectly fine for me. Can you share the exact error message you got?
x = [1 1 0;0 0 0;0 1 0]
>> data=sym(x)
data =
[ 1, 1, 0]
[ 0, 0, 0]
[ 0, 1, 0]
data( ~any(data,2), : ) = []; %rows
data( :, ~any(data,1) ) = []; %columns
  1 Comment
Kevin Bachovchin
Kevin Bachovchin on 26 Feb 2013
The difference is that your data sym doesn't have any element syms.
syms x1
data = [ x1, 1, 0 ; 0, 0, 0 ; 0, 1, 0]
data( ~any(data,2), : ) = []; %rows
data( :, ~any(data,1) ) = []; %columns
and you will get an error saying "Unable to prove 'x1' literally."

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