How can I exclude some code from being published to document?

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How can I exclude some code from being published to document?

Answers (1)

Thomas Busch
Thomas Busch on 21 Oct 2022
I have this question, too. My example has a lot of extra plotting and annotation to explain the code snippet, but it really adds nothing to the basic example. I'd like to exclude everything except the lines that actually exercise the function.
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Steven Lord
Steven Lord on 21 Oct 2022
One relatively easy way to do this would be to extract those "extra plotting and annotation" lines of code into a separate function (perhaps one that you include at the end of the file as kind of an appendix) that you can call from the document to be published. The published code would include the call to the function in the location from which it is called, but if you give it a name that clearly indicates that it's a helper readers of the published document may simply accept it and move on to read the more relevant explanation of the functionality you're demonstrating.
If you're doing the same type of plotting and annotating in multiple documents, this also facilitates code reuse.

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