How to Find average value for every 10 sets of a matrix

3 views (last 30 days)
I have a one dimensional array A of 1000 elements.
How do I calculate the mean of elements for the first 10 sets ,then the second sets, and third sets so on until 1000

Accepted Answer

Mischa Kim
Mischa Kim on 15 Jan 2021
Hi Magdy, you could use something like:
x = 1:1:12; % this would be your matrix A
y = reshape(x,3,4)
m = mean(y,1)
Magdy Ismail
Magdy Ismail on 15 Jan 2021
Thank you so much so for an example if i have like 1000 numbers
the code should be like this
x = 1:1:1000; % this would be your matrix A
y = reshape(x,10,100 )
m = mean(y,1)
Right? this will give me the average for each 10 sets?

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