Read Variables with assigned values from excel into Matlab

15 views (last 30 days)
I want to read variables with assigned values from excel file (in multiple sheets) into Matlab. In the below snip Var1, Var2 and Var 3 have assigned values 10,5 and 21 respectively.
Kindly inform if it is possible. Thank You.

Accepted Answer

Stephen23 on 4 Feb 2021
Edited: Stephen23 on 4 Feb 2021
Note how the file itself contains invalid variable names: they contain space characters which in all of your comments you have simply ignored. Computers however do not just ignore things in the way that humans like to do, and this hints at some of the reasons why some issues with this approach (how to handle invalid names? How to handle conflicting/identical names? etc.).
Here is one simple method which creates an easy-to-use table of the imported data:
tbl = readtable('test.xlsx','ReadRowNames',true);
tbl = rows2vars(tbl,'VariableNamingRule','modify')
tbl = 1x8 table
OriginalVariableNames Var1 Var2 Var3 Row4 INPUTSOFTYPE2 Var4 Var5 _____________________ ____ ____ ____ ____ _____________ ____ ____ {'Var1'} 10 5 21 NaN NaN 21 4
And accessing the values:
ans = 10
ans = 4
  1 Comment
Ajiket Patil
Ajiket Patil on 4 Feb 2021
Thanks for correcting the invalid variable name part.
My purpose is served by the above code.
Thank You very much @Stephen Cobeldick

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More Answers (1)

KSSV on 4 Feb 2021
file = 'test.xlsx' ;
T = readtable(file) ;
vars = T.(2) ;
vars(isnan(vars))=[] ;
KSSV on 4 Feb 2021
I got the point is there is no meaning in assigning the variables like you want. It is not required.
Ajiket Patil
Ajiket Patil on 4 Feb 2021
Edited: Ajiket Patil on 4 Feb 2021
I am making an app through matlab app designer. It reads data in the above format and performs further computations.
I require as per the above format because of not to remember vars(3) = c. as i am dealing in many variables. Noting the cell location in the excel sheet for all the variables is tedius.
Thank You.

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