"unable to resolve the name" error while using readmatrix function

17 views (last 30 days)
I've got this error message while running a program in MATLAB 2020b:
Error using readmatrix: Unable to resolve the name matlab.io.internal.functions.FunctionStore.getFunctionByName.
Previously in 2020a version I had no problem using the program with readmatrix...
I appreciate any idea why it is happening.
  1 Comment
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 17 Feb 2021
What shows up for
ls(fullfile(matlabroot, 'toolbox/shared/io/general/+matlab/+io/+internal/+functions/FunctionStore.m'))
If it says the directory does not exist then you have a corrupted version of MATLAB for sure. The directory should have 11 files in in R2020b.

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Accepted Answer

Sourabh Kondapaka
Sourabh Kondapaka on 17 Feb 2021
It could be because some file in your current working directory or MATLAB search path is conflicting with MATLABs inbuilt files. Check if you have a file named “readmatrix.m” in your current working directory or in your MATLAB search path.
A similar question has been answered here,here and here
  1 Comment
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 17 Feb 2021
That particular error message would not show up if the user had their own readmatrix; that is an accurate copy of the name of nearly the only function called by readmatrix.m in R2020b

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More Answers (2)

Paul Ogunniran
Paul Ogunniran on 5 Jun 2023
Another likely cause (at least in my case) is that you might have a pathdef.m file in your current path that got saved from the old matlab. In that case you have to overwrite it with paths of the new matlab version (Basically open Paths in the tabs and overwrite the old file)

Scott Milster
Scott Milster on 29 Feb 2024
Edited: Scott Milster on 29 Feb 2024
I got a similar error. What finally fixed it is I opened up "Set Path" and reset all the paths to "Default". So far it's found everything now.


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