Repeating sequence as an input to a stateflow chart from Simulink, the first value is not read and calculated
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I used a repeating sequence as an input to a stateflow chart from Simulink, but it did not take the first value and calculate in the state. Anyone encounter similar issue?
1 Comment
Fangjun Jiang
on 19 Feb 2021
sounds abnormal. You need to show the model or example. lots of possible causes.
Answers (2)
SaiDileep Kola
on 25 Feb 2021
Use the process described here to detect common modeling errors explained here
on 25 Feb 2021
Edited: Jonas
on 25 Feb 2021
Add breakpoints in you Stateflow model, and then step each and every cycle to analyse the value of the input ports and the state of the stateflow.
Remember that it takes one time step to make a transition, and it can take another time step to execute the state itself. Depends on if you have 'en:', 'du:' and 'ex:' commands inside your state code.
See Also
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