How do you calculate jump height from a force time graph?
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Im looking to write a script that will automatically work out the jump height from force platform data measuring at 1000Hz. The code I have so far is:
r = find(truedata==0,1,'first'); % find when first 0 occurs
truedata = (truedata(1:r+1,6)*-1); % cut data bw = mean(truedata(1:20,1)); % find body weight
Jbw = bw*(r*(1/1000)); % work out impulse caused by body weight t = [0:1/1000:r/1000]; % change in time
Jall = trapz(t,truedata); % calculate impulse of whole graph impulse = (Jall-Jbw); % calculate jump impulse
vel = (impulse/(bw/9.81)); % calculate take off velocity
jumpheight = ((vel^2)/(2*9.81)); % equation of motion This however is not giving me the correct answers, could anyone see a problem in my calculations?
Walter Roberson
on 16 May 2013
The code Seth posted runs lines together. It is not a {code} formatting issue, more newlines are needed to make sense of the code.
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