Problem in reading data from Excel sheet and copying it in 2d array
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P = [ 138 6.31210089 6 0 0.2 0;
202 6.31210089 6 0 0.2 0;
264 6.31210089 6 0 0.2 0;]';
T =[1 2 3];
Here, the matrix has 3 columns, and 6 rows. But when i try to get the same data from excel file which is in 2d form, the first column above is considered as a row i.e. after getting data from excel my P matrix is 3 x 6 i.e. 6 columns and 3 rows. But i want the data matrix to be of 6 x 3.
Following is my code to read data from excel sheet and copying it to array P.
[NUMERIC1,TXT1,RAW1]=xlsread('D:\Mphil CS\Semester 2\Machine Learning\Data\small data.xlsx');
%copying data from the Numeric array to P
for i = 1: 1:1110
for j = 1: 1 : 61
P(i,j) = NUMERIC1 (i,j);
How to get data in that form, and i can't take transpose.
Accepted Answer
on 21 May 2013
reverse i & j ?
%copying data from the Numeric array to P
for i = 1: 1:1110
for j = 1: 1 : 61
P(i,j) = NUMERIC1 (j,i); % reversed i & j
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