Linear fit for a intensity plot (surface plot)
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I want to find the rotation angle of this plot. (Angle with respect to the horizontal axis.)

In order to do that I'm thinking of doing a linear fit and get the gradient. Something like this:

How can I do a linear fit to this surface plot?
Thank you.
Image Analyst
on 8 Mar 2021
Unrecognized function or variable 'smooth2a'.
Error in test5 (line 14)
dataS = smooth2a(data,1,7);
Accepted Answer
Image Analyst
on 8 Mar 2021
regionprops() fits the image to an ellipse and returns the center and angle in degrees. Try this:
clc; % Clear the command window.
close all; % Close all figures (except those of imtool.)
clear; % Erase all existing variables. Or clearvars if you want.
workspace; % Make sure the workspace panel is showing.
format long g;
format compact;
fprintf('Beginning to run %s.m ...\n', mfilename);
fontSize = 15;
data = readmatrix('Rotation.txt');
[rows, columns] = size(data);
subplot(2, 2, 1);
imshow(data, []);
axis('on', 'xy');
title('Original Data', 'FontSize', fontSize);
subplot(2, 2, 2);
grid on;
title('Histogram of Data', 'FontSize', fontSize);
mask = data > 30;
% Take largest blob only.
mask = bwareafilt(mask, 1);
subplot(2, 2, 3:4);
axis('on', 'xy');
title('Mask', 'FontSize', fontSize);
% Get the angle (Orientation) using regionprops
props = regionprops(mask, 'Orientation', 'Centroid')
angle = -props.Orientation;
xCenter = props.Centroid(1)
yCenter = props.Centroid(2)
fprintf('The angle is %.2f degrees.\n', angle);
x = 1 : columns;
slope = tand(angle)
y = slope * (x - xCenter) + yCenter;
hold on;
plot(xCenter, yCenter, 'r+', 'LineWidth', 2, 'MarkerSize', 30);
plot(x, y, 'r-', 'LineWidth', 2);
caption = sprintf('Angle = %.2f degrees. Slope = %.2f. xCenter = %.1f. yCenter = %.1f', ...
angle, slope, xCenter, yCenter);
title(caption, 'FontSize', fontSize);
g = gcf;
g.WindowState = 'maximized'

props =
struct with fields:
Centroid: [50.5731822474032 28.7478753541076]
Orientation: -17.0388178322049
xCenter =
yCenter =
The angle is 17.04 degrees.
slope =
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