Clear Filters
Clear Filters


5 views (last 30 days)
司 小川
司 小川 on 10 Mar 2021
Answered: takemoto on 11 Mar 2021
F = fillmissing(HF,'previous');
nBins = 50;
binSpacing = (max(F) - min(F))/nBins;
binRanges = min(F):binSpacing:max(F)-binSpacing;
% Add an inf to binRanges to enclose the values above the last bin.
binRanges(end+1) = inf;
% |histc| determines which bin each speed value falls into.
[~, FBins] = histc(F, binRanges);
lat = lat';
lon = lon';
FBins = FBins';
% Create a geographical shape vector, which stores the line segments as
% features.
s = geoshape();
for k = 1:nBins
% Keep only the lat/lon values which match the current bin. Leave the
% rest as NaN, which are interpreted as breaks in the line segments.
latValid = nan(1, length(lat));
latValid(FBins==k) = lat(FBins==k);
lonValid = nan(1, length(lon));
lonValid(FBins==k) = lon(FBins==k);
% To make the path continuous despite being segmented into different
% colors, the lat/lon values that occur after transitioning from the
% current speed bin to another speed bin will need to be kept.
transitions = [diff(FBins) 0];
insertionInd = find(FBins==k & transitions~=0) + 1;
% Preallocate space for and insert the extra lat/lon values.
latSeg = zeros(1, length(latValid) + length(insertionInd));
latSeg(insertionInd + (0:length(insertionInd)-1)) = lat(insertionInd);
latSeg(~latSeg) = latValid;
lonSeg = zeros(1, length(lonValid) + length(insertionInd));
lonSeg(insertionInd + (0:length(insertionInd)-1)) = lon(insertionInd);
lonSeg(~lonSeg) = lonValid;
% Add the lat/lon segments to the geographic shape vector.
s(k) = geoshape(latSeg, lonSeg);
wm = webmap('Open Street Map');
mwLat = 35.293818;
mwLon = 136.927917;
name = 'location';
iconDir = fullfile(matlabroot,'toolbox','matlab','icons');
iconFilename = fullfile(iconDir, 'matlabicon.gif');
wmmarker(mwLat, mwLon, 'FeatureName', name, 'Icon', iconFilename);
colors = autumn(nBins);
wmline(s, 'Color', colors, 'Width', 5);

Answers (1)

takemoto on 11 Mar 2021


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