what is the script to get line handle by selecting line in a model

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what is the script to get line handle by selecting line in a model

Accepted Answer

Vishal Rane
Vishal Rane on 5 Jun 2013
Not aware of anything that gets you handle of a selected line. But
gives all line handles in the block diagram. You can add a specific path in place of bdroot.
Kaustubha Govind
Kaustubha Govind on 5 Jun 2013
More specifically, you can query the 'Selected' property of the line handle to find the one that is selected:
lh = find_system(bdroot,'FindAll','on','Type','Line');
get(lh, 'Selected')
Look for the entry corresponding to Selected=on.
venkateswarlu kaithepalli
Thank you very much Govind, your reply helped a lot thanks once again....

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More Answers (1)

Aseem Routray
Aseem Routray on 9 Dec 2019
find_system(bdroot,'FindAll', 'on', 'type','line','selected','on')
This will get you the desired result.


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