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connect the drone's joystick to my laptop

3 views (last 30 days)
Hello there,
I want to connect the joystick of the parrot mambo to my laptop so i can control the drone in the simulation manually from the joystick. How can i do that?

Accepted Answer

michel chamoun
michel chamoun on 6 Apr 2021
Edited: michel chamoun on 6 Apr 2021
I connected the PS3 Dualshock 3 controller instead of the flypad of the parrot mambo and it worked. Note that i had to do some changes to the Joystick input block (i recommend visualizing the outputs of the joystick block using scopes to have an idea of how it works).
here is a video on youtube that explains the process of connecting the PS3 controller to the laptop:

More Answers (1)

Jan Houska
Jan Houska on 3 Apr 2021
Hi Michel,
you can use the Joystick Input block from the Simulink 3D Animation library. Please see the vrcrane_joystick example model for an example how to use the block.
Good Luck, Jan
Jan Houska
Jan Houska on 3 Apr 2021
Hi Michel,
you should be able to connect the joystick via USB. Most joysticks have USB interface, although of course I cannot know about yours. If your laptop does not have USB, it probably has USB-C, and this should be convertible to USB via an adapter.
michel chamoun
michel chamoun on 3 Apr 2021
I am trying to connect my flypad via Bluetooth using a Bluetooth CSR 4.0 dongle but once i try to connect it i receive an error "invalid code". Anyway, i will try connecting it using a cable.
Thank you for your help. I really appreciate it!

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