Cross correlation coefficient in azimuth direction

2 views (last 30 days)
For Doppler centroid estimation, I'm trying to implement cross correlation coefficient and phase of cross correlation coefficient, but facing problem in that.
please guide for these two equations.
t_az = [-0.05, 0.05]; % azimuth time (zeta)
A = [1,0.5*1j];
PRF = 1500;
F_dc = 100;
t = -0.2: 1/PRF: 0.2; % range time (tau)
B = 300; %HZ
% X = sinc(B*t);
s = zeros(1, length(t));
for i = 1:length(t_az)
s = s+ A(i)*sinc(B*(t-t_az(i))).*exp(1j*2*pi*F_dc*(t-t_az(i)));
sigma = 0.01;
N = sigma/sqrt(2)*(randn(1,length(s))+1j*randn(1,length(s))); % Noise
s = s+N; %signal plus noise

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