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function to display name

3 views (last 30 days)
shir meir
shir meir on 7 Apr 2021
Answered: Sajid Afaque on 7 Apr 2021
hey, i'm trying to create a function that will find from a structure all the car that have horsepower above 200 and display their model names from the structure.
But when I buit it, its show the names only with a space and blank names between them.
can you help me fix it?
I used the carsmall.mat database
function result = best_horsepower2(stru);
for i=1:size(stru.Horsepower,1);
if stru.Horsepower(i,:)> 200;
big(i,:)= stru.Model(i,:);
Sajid Afaque
Sajid Afaque on 7 Apr 2021
please provide more details
shir meir
shir meir on 7 Apr 2021
this is
when I run the current function it show it like that... with the blank space

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Accepted Answer

Sajid Afaque
Sajid Afaque on 7 Apr 2021
that is because while storing the result in big you are using the index i
please try below code it might help
function result = best_horsepower2(stru);
%intialise a count vector for storing the results hence you can avoid blank
count = 1;
for i=1:size(stru.Horsepower,1);
if stru.Horsepower(i,:)> 200;
big(count,:)= stru.Model(i,:);
count = count + 1;

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