Zero-Phase Filter design using FDATool to get Verilog HDL code

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I have designed an high-pass filter for perform filtering of the time domain signal. I used filtfilt() function to perform the filtering operation. Now I want to design the same filter in the hardware. For that purpose I am using FDATool in MATLAB. But I can't find any option for zero-phase filter design inside the FDATool. Please help me in this regards and guide me how can I generate a zero-phase filter verilog code from the FDATool.

Answers (1)

Yukthi S
Yukthi S on 16 Apr 2024
Edited: Yukthi S on 16 Apr 2024
Hello Syed,
I noticed that you wanted to implement zero-phase digital filtering in hardware for the same high-pass filter you designed using the filtfilt function.
You can refer to the following MathWorks Documentation link which also talks about the same.
I have attached an image as well for your understanding:
To generate Verilog code for the same, you can follow the below steps:
1. Click on “Targets” in the toolbar.
2. Select "Generate HDL".
3. Set the target language as “Verilog” and click on “Generate”.
Hope this helps!




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