Installer stuck at confirm user page on linux (Ubuntu)

32 views (last 30 days)
I am tying to install Matlab on my machine Ubuntu (Kubuntu) 20.04.2 LTS . I can log in into my account in the installer and verify my license but then in the Confirm user page I cannot write in the username checkbox (but the cursor is shown) and the Next button is greyed out. Even checking "restore default" that puts root in the username box I am not able to progress. I was able to install it on a plain Ubuntu linux distro, may the KDE desktop be a problem? There could be a workaround?
Job Wijnen
Job Wijnen on 28 Dec 2022
Had the same problem on Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS. Switching from Wayland to Xorg allowed me to install it. There is a small gear icon in the right-bottom of the screen when you log in to ubuntu. You choose Ubuntu on Xorg over there.

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Answers (6)

Nikolas Schwarz
Nikolas Schwarz on 19 Apr 2023
I had the same issue. I figured out that it works if you do not use the mouse at all. Instead, use TAB and the arrow keys to navigate, SPACE to check boxes and ENTER to confirm.
Khalid Hersafril
Khalid Hersafril on 21 Oct 2023
legend! Thank you. I've been pulling my hair out trying to figure it out

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Job Wijnen
Job Wijnen on 28 Dec 2022
Had the same problem on Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS. Switching from Wayland to Xorg allowed me to install it. There is a small gear icon in the right-bottom of the screen when you log in to ubuntu. You choose Ubuntu on Xorg over there.
GEORGIOS on 18 Jan 2023
Thanks! No idea why this works, or even what's the difference between wayland/xorg.. I hope they plan a bugfix on this one
Jake Moss
Jake Moss on 12 Mar 2023
Pretty sad that this has been known about for 5 years and still isn't fixed.

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Atiq on 29 Mar 2023
Hey so this might be late but i also had the same problem, the way i solved it on Ubuntu 22.04 was by right clicking the install (in the dowload folder that is extracted so "/downloads/matlab_R2023a/install") and "run as program" . I am no longer stuck on the confirm page.

Benjamin on 5 Dec 2022
I have the same problem. Vanilla Ubuntu System Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS. Does anybode working on that problem here?

CARLO SANAPO on 2 Oct 2021
Same problem for me!!! Trying install on ubuntu 21.04 but the installer stuck at confirm user section!
i wanna cry
DGM on 3 Oct 2021
Did you try the above comment to see if the keyboard focus could momentarily be restored? I'm not sure if that bug is the cause, but it's worth a shot since I doubt you're running XFCE, and I doubt the bug has become anything but worse in the years since it was created.
CARLO SANAPO on 3 Oct 2021
I switched to xfce and finally it works...BUT
when the installer remind me to check my university license by the "click here" hypertext button, again, nothing happens.

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Aish on 27 Dec 2022
Exactly Same issue here as well, this occurs only when I run install binary with sudo, but if I dont run it with sudo the installer fails to write to the installation directory


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