how to preform Laplace transform?

3 views (last 30 days)
Adham Elkhouly
Adham Elkhouly on 26 Apr 2021
Commented: Adham Elkhouly on 26 Apr 2021
for i=late+1:length(x)
delayed_signal(i) = x(i)+alpha*x(i-late);
app.y = delayed_signal;
app.x_n = x;
x_s = laplace(x);
y_s = laplace(delayed_signal);
h_s = x_s/y_s;
I am tring to Laplace tranform the variable 'x': a .wav folder, read through 'audioread
and 'y' the same file with an echo, and then divide them and put them in 'h_s', but I keep getting the following error at the line where I define 'y_s'
Undefined function 'laplace' for input arguments of type 'double'
can someone please explain what this line means and how to fix it? - TIA

Answers (1)

Matt J
Matt J on 26 Apr 2021
Edited: Matt J on 26 Apr 2021
The laplace() command only works on Symbolic Math Toolbox variables, e.g.,
syms y(t)
Y=laplace( y )
Y = 
Adham Elkhouly
Adham Elkhouly on 26 Apr 2021
I am a bit of a beginner in using MATLAB, so I don't really know what FFT is but I will look it up

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