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Dot indexing is not supported for variables of this type

2 views (last 30 days)
The script does create the variable vel. It is a 1x1 struct with data and headers.
Any ideas why the error is still reported? Thanks in advance (script in attachment)
Lissa on 1 May 2021
Edited: Lissa on 1 May 2021
startpath = 'MATLAB Drive/BIOMECHLISSA/';
datapathvel = [startpath 'BODY KINEMATICS/'];
dataFilevel = fullfile(datapathvel,'3DGaitModel2354-scaled_BodyKinematics_vel_global_SUP_HR_0*.sto');
pathwayvel = dir(dataFilevel)
vel = importdata(fullfile(pathwayvel(k).folder,pathwayvel(k).name));
Yes, I already tried that method but was not sure how you could refer to the .data folder of the struct?
Lissa on 1 May 2021
clear all
close all
k = 1
startpath = '/MATLAB Drive/BIOMECHLISSA/';
datapathvel = [startpath 'BODY KINEMATICS/'];
dataFilevel = fullfile(datapathvel,['3DGaitModel2354-scaled_BodyKinematics_vel_global_SUP_HR_0' num2str(k) '.sto'])
pathwayvel = dir(dataFilevel)
vel = importdata(fullfile(pathwayvel.folder,;
If I run this in a new blank scipt it works fine and the vel variable is the right struct. When I paste it in the other script it still gives the same error of dot indexing not supported for this variable ..

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Answers (1)

Jan on 1 May 2021
vel = importdata(...)
does not create the output vel as a struct in your case. I assume ".sto" files are text files. Then the output ia a matrix.
A bold guess is tha you have to replace
vel_new =,17);
vel_new = vel(starttimeOS:end,17);
Lissa on 1 May 2021
Edited: Lissa on 1 May 2021
Hi! I tried to run it but it is only working when I write k = 1, it returns the error message when I fill in k = 2 ..
But the files etc are present in the folder for T2 as well .. Thanks in advance!
Jan on 1 May 2021
Please do not post code as screenshot. Posting it as text allows the readers to write an answer by copy&paste.
Your code still contains "". My suggestion was to omiut the ".data". Did you try this already?
I cannot know, what files type you import. Maybe some ate text files (which are imported as matrices) and others are MAT or XLSX files, which are imported as structs. For efficient work he command importdata is too powerful, because it tries to import the file with automagic guessing of what the user might need. This is finde for a short hack, if the user knows exactly what to do. For scientific work a specific import routine would be much safer.
By the way:
time_vel = 0.01:0.01:length(,1))/100;
The length of the vector (,1)) can be determined by:
size(, 1) - starttimeOD + 1;

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