The function block "Integrate and Dump" (Simulink) is not supported for HDL code generation. Is there a similar one which is supported for HDL code generation? Thanks a lot!

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I am using HDL coder to convert my simlink design to VHDL code. There is an error generated saying "Integrate and Dump" is not supported for HDL code generation. I am wondering if there is a similar block to "Integrate and Dump" which is supported for HDL code generation. Thanks a lot!

Accepted Answer

Bharath Venkataraman
Bharath Venkataraman on 14 Jun 2021
There isn't a direct single block substiture for the Integrate and Dump block, but the attached model shows the way you can model the behavior using more basic blocks.
Hong Zhao
Hong Zhao on 16 Jun 2021
I have replaced delay3 with rate transition block and it worked out for my project perfectly. Thanks again!

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