Saving tracking Scenario to .mat file

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I've generated an elaborate tracking scenario programmatically with the Sensor Fusion & Tracking toolbox. How can I save the scenario to a .mat file so I can load it into the Tracking Scenario Designer application?

Accepted Answer

Elad Kivelevitch
Elad Kivelevitch on 25 Jun 2021
If you're using release R2020b or later, you should be able to directly import the scenario object into the tracking scenario designer by doing the following
% Assuming scenario is your trackingScenario object
There are some limitations with doing so, because not all the features supported by tracking scenario are supported by the designer at this time. Please see the following link for limitations on using this syntax.
Chris Raper
Chris Raper on 25 Jun 2021
@Elad Kivelevitch Thank you! That's exactly what I needed. I was stuggling to find mentions in the help documentatyion and examples of using the Tracking Scenario Designer from progammatic scenarios. Your link is what I needed.
Elad Kivelevitch
Elad Kivelevitch on 25 Jun 2021
I am glad I could help.

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