Summarize three-way table
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Saptorshee Chakraborty
on 30 Jun 2021
Commented: Saptorshee Chakraborty
on 1 Jul 2021
I have a large dataset of patents by
year, region, type of patents, regional share.
2000 FR01 0 0.137
2000 FR01 1 0.135
2000 FR01 1 1
2000 FR02 0 0.144
2000 FR02 1 0.135
2000 FR02 1 1
2001 FR01 0 0.143
2001 FR01 1 0.135
2001 FR01 1 1
2001 FR02 0 0.155
2001 FR02 1 0.175
2001 FR02 1 1
I want to find the total of regional share for each region by year by type of patents.
I would appreciate if someone is able to help me.
Thank you.
Accepted Answer
on 30 Jun 2021
Edited: Chunru
on 30 Jun 2021
It could be something like this:
% Assume table (T) with these variables: year, region, type_of_patents, regional_share
% Find the total of regional share for each region by year by type of patents.
u_type_of_patents = unique(T.type_of_patents)
u_year = unique(T.year)
u_region = unique(T.region)
u_year = unique(T.year)
for ip = 1:length(u_type_of_patents)
for iy = 1:length(u_year)
for ir = 1:length(u_region)
T.type_of_patents==u_type_of_patents(ip) & ...
T.year==u_year(iy) & ...
T.region==u_region(ir) )));
Lei Hou
on 1 Jul 2021
Hi Saptorshee,
Try the following and see whether the performance is better.
>> rowfun(@sum,t,"InputVariables","regional share",'GroupingVariables',["year" "type of patents" "region"],"OutputVariableNames","total region share")
ans =
8×5 table
year type of patents region GroupCount total region share
____ _______________ ________ __________ __________________
2000 0 {'FR01'} 1 0.137
2000 0 {'FR02'} 1 0.144
2000 1 {'FR01'} 2 1.135
2000 1 {'FR02'} 2 1.135
2001 0 {'FR01'} 1 0.143
2001 0 {'FR02'} 1 0.155
2001 1 {'FR01'} 2 1.135
2001 1 {'FR02'} 2 1.175
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