How can I solve an ODE with changing variable over time ?
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I want to solve a sytem of ODE, with the following paramiters and initioal conditions.
in the 4th equation of the ODE, Tset(t) is a variable which is changing over time, however in this code I have made it as an constant value over time and my code is working.
I have the values for Tset(t) as well as the corresponding time of these values in a mat file : (TsetTime, TsetValue)
how can I solve the ODE if the value of Tset (in the 4th equation of the ODE) is changing over time.
% Paramiters
Xb = 16;
Xw = 0.4;
Rg = 8.314;
pT = 101325;
g = 0.042;
mue = 4e7;
NumBubbles = 2e11;
R0 = 5e-5;
Temp0 = 303;
n0 = 0;
C0 = 0;
q0 = 0.0015;
tt = 1/30;
nN2 = 4/3*pi*R0^3*(pT+2*g/R0)/Rg/Temp0;
VD = 1-R0.^3*4/3*pi*NumBubbles;
init = [R0; n0; C0;Temp0; q0];
%sysytem of ODE
OdeSys = @(t,y) [
Xb*y(5)-NumBubbles*4*pi*(1.77e-9*Xw*y(4)/298)*y(1)*(y(3)-((pT/(100*(y(4)-273)+1200)*(1-(R0/y(1))^3)+2*g/(100*(y(4)-273)+1200)/y(1)*(1-(R0/y(1))^2)))); % dc_CO2/dt -> CO2 concentration in (liquid) dough
tt*(Tset(t) - y(4));
[T,S] = ode45(OdeSys, [0 3000], init);
%Plot the results
figure('Position', [0 0 1600 500]);
for i = 1:4
xlim([0, T(end)]); grid on; box off
xlabel('time $/s$','interpreter','Latex');
ylabel('value $/units$','interpreter','Latex');
% this function is used to make Tset(t) constatnt over time, however I want
% to change this with TsetValue at TsetTime
function Ts = Tset(t)
Ts = 303;
%load TsetTime
%load TsetValue
Accepted Answer
on 4 Jul 2021
Replace your Tset function with this:
P = 'absolute or relative path to where the mat file is saved';
F = 'name of the mat file';
S = load(fullfile(P,F));
Tset = @(t) interp1(S.TsetTime, S.TsetValue,t);
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