Determine percent of array elements which meet condition

17 views (last 30 days)
How can I check if a certain percentage of the values in an array meet a condition, e.g. are X% of the values of a given logical array=1?

Accepted Answer

Star Strider
Star Strider on 20 Jul 2021
A logical array has two states, true=1 or false=0, so al that is necessary is to find the numbers of 1 values with respect to the total number of elements.
TF = randi([0 1], 25) == 1; % Create Array
T = nnz(TF) % Number Of 'true' Values
T = 341
T_Pct = 100*T/numel(TF) % Percent 'true' Values
T_Pct = 54.5600

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