How to display rise time in edit box MATLAB Gui?

2 views (last 30 days)
How can i display the rise time and settling time that is obtained from the graph into the edit box GUI?
Rik on 3 Aug 2021
Just as with anything else you do in your GUI: write a function that calculates what you need, then use the handles to the objects to set the String property.
Unkown on 3 Aug 2021
Yes. I have done some of the following codes but it does display.
%Rise Time
h = Stepinfo(syspi);
set(handles.setime,'String', num2str(h));

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Accepted Answer

Rik on 3 Aug 2021
The function you're using doesn't return a single numeric value, but a struct, as the documentation clearly explains. You need to convert the results to a char array.
%Rise Time
h = Stepinfo(syspi);
set(handles.setime,'String', str);
By using that intermediary step you can more clearly see what is happening.
str=sprintf('Rise time: %.1f, Settling time: %.1f',h.RiseTime,h.SettlingTime)

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