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Dynamic Field Name shaming

We told you "NO!!!"

I climbed the L-Shaped Peak

Choose your weapon

ChatGPT has Fallen.

MATLAB vs. Python

Caution. This is MATLAB.

MATLAB is the best programming language

I love the smell of debugged MATLAB code in the morning. Smells like...Victory!
Halloween Analysis of Many Aspects of Halloween Headquarters and Effects on USA
(Note to Chistopher: I used a simple ESP8266 generating random numbers for fields 1 thru 7, (0 to 100, 4000, 127, 30, 45, 200,000, 50,000) and 0 to 1 for field 8. And a couple of real sensor inputs.
I'm in a community conference in Boston today and see what snacks we get! The organizer said it's a coincidence, but it's definitly a good idea to have them in our MathWorks community meetings.

(Sorry - it should be 2023b by now.)

Calling all students! New to MATLAB or need helpful resources? Check out our MATLAB GitHub for Students repository! Find MATLAB examples, videos, cheat sheets, and more!

Visit the repository here: MATLAB GitHub for Students
Imagine x is a large vector and you want the smallest 10 elements. How might you do it?

To solve the puzzle, first unscramble each of the words on the left. Then rearrange the letters in the yellow shaded boxes to complete the sentence on the right.

If you enjoyed this puzzle let me know with a like or in the comments below and I'll post more of them. Please don't post your answer, or any hints, and spoil it for those who come across this puzzle after you!! If you want to check your answer, you can messge me your guess through the link on my profile card (click on my name, Rena Berman, above and then on the envelope icon in the top right corner of the profile card that appears).
Thats the task:
Given a square cell array:
x = {'01', '56'; '234', '789'};
return a single character array:
y = '0123456789'
I wrote a code that passes Test 1 and 2 and one that passes Test 3 but I'm searching a condition so that the code for Test 3 runs when the cell array only contains letters and the one for Test 1 and 2 in every other case. Can somebody help me?
This is my code:
y = []
%%TEST 3
for i=1:a*b
y = string([y x(i)])
y=regexprep(y,'1',' ')
%%TEST 1+2
for i=1:a*b
y = string([y x(i)])
y=erase(y,' ' )
That's the question: Given four different positive numbers, a, b, c and d, provided in increasing order: a < b < c < d, find if any three of them comprise sides of a right-angled triangle. Return true if they do, otherwise return false .
I wrote this code but it doesn't pass test 7. I don't really understand why it isn't working. Can somebody help me?
function flag = isTherePythagoreanTriple(a, b, c, d)
format shortG
if a2+b2==c2
else if a2+b2==d2
else if a2+c2==d2
else if c2+b2==d2
else flag=false
That's the question:
The file cars.mat contains a table named cars with variables Model, MPG, Horsepower, Weight, and Acceleration for several classic cars.
Load the MAT-file. Given an integer N, calculate the output variable mpg.
Output mpg should contain the MPG of the top N lightest cars (by Weight) in a column vector.
I wrote this code and the resulting column vector has the right values but it doesn't pass the tests. What's wrong?
function mpg = sort_cars(N)
load cars.mat
mpg = sorted(1:N,2)