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We've released an open-source implementation of STIPA (Speech Transmission Index for Public Address) on GitHub!
What is STIPA?
Speech Transmission Index is a metric designed to assess the quality of speech transmission through a communication channel. It quantifies the intelligibility of speech signals based on amplitude modulations, providing a standardized measure crucial for evaluating public address systems and communication equipment. STIPA is a version of STI using a simplified measurement method and only one test signal.
Quality Representation:
STI values range from 0 to 1, categorizing speech transmission quality from bad to excellent. The raw STI score can be transformed into the likelihood of intelligibility of syllables, words, and sentences being comprehended.
Verification Tests:
To ensure reliability, we've conducted verification tests according to the IEC 60286-16 standard. Download the test signals and run the stipaVerificationTests.m script from our GitHub repository.
Control Measurements:
We've performed comparative measurements in a university auditorium, showcasing the validity of our implementation.
Our STIPA implementation is distributed under the GNU General Public License 3, reflecting our commitment to open-source collaboration.

The File Exchange team is excited to announce that File Exchange now supports GitHub Releases!

Contributors can now develop software projects in GitHub without having to manually sync and maintain the same code in File Exchange.

To start using this feature, choose 'GitHub Releases' option when you update your existing File Exchange submission or link a new repository to File Exchange.

When you link your GitHub repository to File Exchange using GitHub Releases, your File Exchange submission will automatically update when you create a new release in GitHub that is compatible with File Exchange. In addition, if you package your code as a toolbox (.mltbx) and attach the toolbox package to your latest GitHub release, File Exchange will provide the toolbox to your users for download. If you do not attach a toolbox to the release, File Exchange will provide the zip release asset for download.

See this page for more details.

We encourage you to try out this feature and let us know of any feedback you have by replying below.

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