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Starting in MATLAB R2021a, name-value arguments have a new optional syntax!
A property name can be paired with its value by an equal sign and the property name is not enclosed in quotes.
Compare the comma-separated name,value syntax to the new equal-sign syntax, either of which can be used in >=r2021a:
- plot(x, y, "b-", "LineWidth", 2)
- plot(x, y, "b-", LineWidth=2)
It comes with some limitations:
- It's recommended to use only one syntax in a function call but if you're feeling rebellious and want to mix the syntaxes, all of the name=value arguments must appear after the comma-separated name,value arguments.
- Like the comma-separated name,value arguments, the name=value arguments must appear after positional arguments.
- Name=value pairs must be used directly in function calls and cannot be wrapped in cell arrays or additional parentheses.
Some other notes:
- The property names are not case-sensitive so color='r' and Color='r' are both supported.
- Partial name matches are also supported. plot(1:5, LineW=4)
The new syntax is helpful in distinguishing property names from property values in long lists of name-value arguments within the same line.
For example, compare the following 2 lines:
h = uicontrol(hfig, "Style", "checkbox", "String", "Long", "Units", "Normalize", "Tag", "chkBox1")
h = uicontrol(hfig, Style="checkbox", String="Long", Units="Normalize", Tag="chkBox1")
Here's another side-by-side comparison of the two syntaxes. See the attached mlx file for the full code and all content of this Community Highlight.