
Easily verify your HDL simulations in MATLAB! Refer README to get started.
Updated 23 Jul 2024

runHDLsim Function Overview

The runHDLsim function is a MATLAB script designed to simulate HDL (Hardware Description Language) files. It supports both Verilog (.v) and VHDL (.vhdl) files. The function verifies the existence of necessary tools (i.e., iverilog, ghdl, and gtkwave) and runs the appropriate simulation.


Ensure that the following tools are installed on your system:

  • iverilog (for Verilog simulation)
  • ghdl (for VHDL simulation)
  • gtkwave (for waveform viewing)


runHDLsim(module_path, testbench_path)


  • module_path: Path to the HDL module file (either .v for Verilog or .vhdl for VHDL).
  • testbench_path: Path to the testbench file corresponding to the HDL module.


runHDLsim('path/to/module.v', 'path/to/testbench.v')

Steps Performed by the Function

  1. File Verification: Checks if the specified module and testbench files exist.
  2. Tool Check: Verifies the installation of required tools (iverilog for Verilog, ghdl for VHDL, and gtkwave for waveform viewing).
  3. Simulation:
    • For Verilog: Compiles the code using iverilog, runs the simulation with vvp, and launches gtkwave to view the waveform.
    • For VHDL: Analyzes and elaborates the design using ghdl, runs the simulation, and launches gtkwave to view the waveform.


  • Ensure that the paths provided to the function are correct and that the files exist.
  • If any required tool is not installed, the function will output an error message along with a download link.

Error Handling

The function includes error handling to:

  • Notify if the specified files do not exist.
  • Inform if any required tool is not installed and provide a download link.


This script is distributed under the GNU General Public License. See the included LICENSE file for more details.

More Information

For more information, refer to the respective tool documentation:

Cite As

Abhishek Kumar Singh (2024). runHDLsim (, GitHub. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2023a
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

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