Movie to GIF Converter

Convert a matlab movie to a GIF
Updated 22 Apr 2013

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Matlab movie to GIF Converter.

Syntax: movie2gif(mov, gifFile, prop, value, ...)

The list of properties is the same like for the command 'imwrite' for the
file format gif:

'BackgroundColor' - A scalar integer. This value specifies which index in
the colormap should be treated as the transparent
color for the image and is used for certain disposal
methods in animated GIFs. If X is uint8 or logical,
then indexing starts at 0. If X is double, then
indexing starts at 1.

'Comment' - A string or cell array of strings containing a comment to be
added to the image. For a cell array of strings, a carriage
return is added after each row.

'DelayTime' - A scalar value between 0 and 655 inclusive, that specifies
the delay in seconds before displaying the next image.

'DisposalMethod' - One of the following strings, which sets the disposal
method of an animated GIF: 'leaveInPlace',
'restoreBG', 'restorePrevious', or 'doNotSpecify'.

'LoopCount' - A finite integer between 0 and 65535 or the value Inf (the
default) which specifies the number of times to repeat the
animation. By default, the animation loops continuously.
For a value of 0, the animation will be played once. For a
value of 1, the animation will be played twice, etc.

'TransparentColor' - A scalar integer. This value specifies which index
in the colormap should be treated as the transparent
color for the image. If X is uint8 or logical, then
indexing starts at 0. If X is double, then indexing
starts at 1

Cite As

Nicolae Cindea (2024). Movie to GIF Converter (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2009a
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux
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Inspired: gif, gif_add_frame

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Version Published Release Notes

Some small bug fixes and ameliorations.

This new version fixed some small bugs.