find_replace_system in Simunlink API

Searches any block/annotation/signal property in a model and replaces with the new value.
Updated 25 Mar 2022
"find_replace_system" will search and replace almost anyblock/annotation/signal property in Simulink.
Ref: Simulink API documentation "find_system".
Please refer the syntax and examples below.
>>find_replace_system('<model name/subsystem name>',<find_system property value-pairs if required>,'<Find Property Name>','<Find Property Value>','<Replace Value>','prompt')
>>find_replace_system('<model name/subsystem name>','<Find Property Name>','<Find Property Value>','<Replace Value>','prompt')
>>find_replace_system('<model name/subsystem name>','<Find Property Name>','<Find Property Value>','<Replace Value>')
- <find_system property value-pairs if required> Refer help
find_system of all different types of properties can be used to
narrow down the search, 'LookUnderMasks', 'RegExp', 'SearchDepth',
'FollowLinks', etc..
- 'prompt' is an optional keyword.
>>find_replace_system('sldemo_clutch/Friction Mode Logic','Position',get_param('sldemo_clutch/Friction Mode Logic','Position'),[250 292 400 433],'prompt')
Developed by: Sysenso Systems,
Please share your comments and suggestions.
If you are interested to have GUI based Find and Replace Tool which has more features, please write to us

Cite As

Sysenso Systems (2024). find_replace_system in Simunlink API (, GitHub. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2010b
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux
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Version Published Release Notes

Connected to the github repository.

Added support to have additional options similar to find_system command to narrow down the search.
Added support to have additional options similar to find_system command to narrow down the search.
Added support to have additional options similar to find_system command to narrow down the search.
Added support to have additional options similar to find_system command to narrow down the search.

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To view or report issues in this GitHub add-on, visit the GitHub Repository.