
Quantities is an units and uncertainties package for MATLAB.
Updated 17 Aug 2015

Quantities is an units and uncertainties package for MATLAB.
Clone or download the Quantities package to your MATLAB folder as `+Quantities`.

1. Construct a units registry, which contains all units, constants, prefixes and

>> ureg = Quantities.unitRegistry

ureg =

Map with properties:

Count: 279
KeyType: char
ValueType: any

2. Optionally pass `verbosity` parameter to `unitRegistry` to see list of units

>> ureg = Quantities.unitRegistry('v',2)

3. Units and constants can be indexed from the `unitRegsitry` using their name
or alias. The `unit`, `constant` and `quantity` class all subclass to
`double` so you can perform any operation on them. Combining a `double` with
a `unit` creates a `quantity` class object.

>> T1 = 45*ureg('celsius')
T1 =
45 ± 0 [degC];

>> T2 = 123.3*ureg.degC
T2 =
123.3 ± 0 [degC];

4. Perform operations. All units are converted to base.

>> T2.to_base
ans =
396.45 ± 0 [kelvin];

>> heat_loss = ureg.stefan_boltzmann_constant*(T1^4 - T2^4)
heat_loss =
-819814 ± 0 [gram*second^-3];

>> heat_loss = ureg.stefan_boltzmann_constant*(T1.to_base^4 - T2.to_base^4)
heat_loss =
-819814 ± 0 [gram*second^-3];

5. Add uncertainty to quantities by calling constructor.

>> T3 = Quantities.quantity(56.2, 1.23, ureg.degC)
T3 =
56.2 ± 1.23 [degC];

>> heat_loss = ureg.stefan_boltzmann_constant*(T1^4 - T3^4)
heat_loss =
-86228.1 ± 9966.66 [gram*second^-3];

6. Convert output to different units.

>> heat_loss_kg = heat_loss.convert(ureg.kg/ureg.s^3)
heat_loss_kg =
-819.814 ± 0 [kilogram*second^-3];

7. Determine arbitrary conversion factor.

>> conversion_factor = ureg.mile.convert(ureg.km)
conversion_factor =
1.60934 ± 0 [kilometer];

Cite As

Mark Mikofski (2025). mikofski/Quantities (https://github.com/mikofski/Quantities), GitHub. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2015a
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux
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Versions that use the GitHub default branch cannot be downloaded

Version Published Release Notes

* fix to_base() method to convert units with nested base units, eg: gauss -> tesla -> weber/m^2
* implement convert() methods for unit and quantity classes

add package name to unitRegistry calls

add readme

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