ColorPointCloud2PLY​(X, Y, Z, IsColor, PLYfileName2write)

Writes Point Cloud data with colormap to a PLY file
Updated 14 Feb 2018

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ColorPointCloud2PLY(X,Y,Z,IsColor, PLYfileName2write)
ColorPointCloud2PLY writes range grid data with a colormap to a PLY file
X,Y,Z are 3 vectors representing Point Cloud
PLYfileName2write: path/name of the output ply file (e.g. 'dir/fname.ply')
ColorMap is based on Z depths
JET colormap is used, but can be changed to any other preferable map
IsColor = 0/1 - choose whether to write color or plain PLY file

Cite As

Avishay Assayag (2024). ColorPointCloud2PLY(X, Y, Z, IsColor, PLYfileName2write) (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2015b
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

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