Raman spectroscopy to screen diabetes mellitus

Raman spectroscopy is used non-invasively to screen diabetic patients, using ANN, PCA & SVM
Updated 3 Dec 2018

This script pre-processes the spectra to reproduce Fig. 1 of our paper:
Guevara, E., Torres-Galván, J. C., Ramírez-Elías, M. G., Luevano-Contreras, C., & González, F. J. (2018). Use of Raman spectroscopy to screen diabetes mellitus with machine learning tools. Biomedical Optics Express, 9(10), 4998–5010. https://doi.org/10.1364/BOE.9.004998

The dataset of our work where the application of portable Raman spectroscopy coupled with several supervised machine-learning techniques, is used to discern between diabetic patients (DM2) and healthy controls (Ctrl), with a high degree of accuracy. Download dataset from: https://www.kaggle.com/codina/raman-spectroscopy-of-diabetes

Cite As

Edgar Guevara (2024). Raman spectroscopy to screen diabetes mellitus (https://github.com/guevaracodina/raman-diabetes), GitHub. Retrieved .

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Updated dependency from https://la.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/60383-implementation-of-the-vancouver-raman-algorithm


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