
This is an app for - channel-by-channel image display - importing raw data and notes to the Matlab workspace from .ibw scan image files.
Updated 10 Sep 2019

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This is a specialized GUI app for visualizing and importing data from an '.ibw' image file generated by AFM machines of Asylum research(e.g. Cypher, MFP-3D).

The colormap and scale of each image are automatically set. The default setting is ...
surface morphology - Mocha
amplitude - gray (Black is assigned for zero amplitude)
phase - HSV (-90 deg to 270 deg.)
frequency - JET
otherwise - red-white-blue(White is assigned for zero)

Adding or removing the channel names as titles, colorbars, and scalebars are supported.
Your image note and a brief summary of measurement conditions are displayed:
scan size, scan rate, scan angle, driving amplitudes and frequencies, and AmpInvOLS.

How to use -
Run the app, and load an .ibw file.

Useful Notes)
The bottom left corners of the images correspond to (x,y)=(1,1)
All axes(=ax) are set to be
set(ax, 'YDir', 'normal'); % OR % axis xy

Cite As

Kanghyun Chu (2025). Disp_ibwImages (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/69561-disp_ibwimages), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2018b
Compatible with R2017b and later releases
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux
Find more on Images in Help Center and MATLAB Answers

Inspired by: Igor Pro file format (ibw) to matlab variable

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Version Published Release Notes

Displaying the Short Note function no longer generates an error if the file does not contain 'LatDriveFrequency' or 'DriveFrequency1' information


Figure resizing is now supported.
This app is now distributed as '.mlappinstall' file. Please check out 'app' → 'install app' tab in your menu bar.


The frequency channel is now displayed in 'jet' colormap, instead of red-white-blue. Also, 'JET' is added to the radio button set for the colormap selection.


The app no longer crashes after closing the uigetfile window without selecting a file.
(Line 241-243 added)


Bug fix:
The tick mark value of the colorbars of Height and ZSensor images are properly displayed.
(Code line 201 in the previous version was deleted, and replaced by code line the 206, 210)
