
Matlab code for fast Hausdorff distance computation for binary images or segmentation maps
Updated 10 Mar 2019

Noticing that all Hausdorff distance functions I could find on MATLAB File Exchange seem to compute all pairwise point-to-point distances making them very slow for large images, I felt compelled to write a version imhausdorff which uses a distance transform, bwdist, and thus scale linearly for large image data. The code should work for images of any dimension. Do try the examples in the help text.

Including point cloud version hausdorff as well. Functional for small data sets.

/ Joakim

Cite As

Joakim Lindblad (2025). ImHausdorff (, GitHub. Retrieved .

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Created with R2018b
Compatible with any release
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Windows macOS Linux
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Inspired: segmentation-evaluator

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