How to plot absorption of sound waves in Water?

Junaid Qadir
Updated 21 Sep 2021

How to plot absorption of sound waves in Boric acid, Magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) and Pure water??

The underwater communication can be possible only by using the acoustic waves or commonly known as sound waves. The radio waves are not suitable for communication in underwater due to the high attenuation and absorption in water. Therefore, the acoustic waves are the best choice for underwater communications. The speed of sound waves in water is 1500 (meter/second or m/s) which is almost five times lower than radio waves. However, the acoustic waves also face many challenges like attenuation and absorption.

Here is the simple code which can find out the acoustic waves' absorption with different real parameters i.e freshwater, boric acid, and magnesium sulfate.

Please enjoy the code and do not forget me in your precious prayers.

Please feel free and let me know if there is any mistake. Your suggestion will be highly appreciated.

Cite As

Junaid Qadir (2024). How to plot absorption of sound waves in Water? (, GitHub. Retrieved .

Francois, R. E., and G. R. Garrison. "Sound absorption based on ocean measurements. Part II: Boric acid contribution and equation for total absorption." The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 72, no. 6 (1982): 1879-1890.

Qadir, Junaid, Anwar Khan, Mahdi Zareei, and Cesar Vargas-Rosales. "Energy Balanced Localization-Free Cooperative Noise-Aware Routing Protocols for Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks." Energies 12, no. 22 (2019): 4263.

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