nthoct: n-th Octave Frequencies and Wavelengths (IEC 61260)

Complies with IEC 61260-2014, ISO 3, ISO 266.
Updated 8 Jan 2025

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nthoct complies with IEC 61260-2014.
Returns the exact and nominal values of the center frequencies, and the lower and upper band-egdes of the [n] times subdivided octaves between [lo] and [hi].
Note: In the context of this function, "frequency" is interchangable with "wavelength" or any logarithmic series of values.
n - (optional) octave subdivisions
lo - (optional) lowest center frequency
hi - (optional) highest center frequency
cx - exact center frequencies
cn - nominal center frequencies
bx - exact band-edges
bn - nominal band-edges
t - a table compiling centers and band-edges
ReferenceFrequency - reference frequency
Base - 2: perfect octaves, 10: perfect decades
IgnoreEvenDenominator - ignore IEC 61260-2014, 5.4.2 f (3)
IgnoreUniqueness - ignore IEC 61260-2014, E.3.2, E.3.3 & E.3.5
to make both cn AND bn unique
Reference Frequency:
Typically and with only few exceptions,
ReferenceFrequency = 1 kHz for technical applications,
ReferenceFrequency = 440 Hz for musical applications.
Base determines the usage of base 2 or 10.
Typically and with only few exceptions,
Base = 10 for technical application
Base = 2 for musical application (or when perfect octaves are required)
Typical n | Tech | Music (Base = 2)
1 | (full) octave | octave
2 | half | tritone
3 | 3rd | major third
6 | 6th | whole step, major second
12 | 12th | half step, minor second
24 | ... | quarter step, 50 cents
Even denominators:
According to IEC 61260-2014 Section 5.4.2 formula (3),
G^((2x+1)/(2b)) is used, if n has an even denominator.
Consequently, the reference frequency IS NOT a center frequency but a band-edge.
With IgnoreEvenDenominator set true, this rule is ignored and, in turn,
the reference frequency becomes a center frequency.
Uniqueness of nominal values:
IEC 61260-2014, E.1 states that the nominal values shall be taken from the Renard numbers,
if n = 1 or 3.
IEC 61260-2014, E.2 states that the nominal values shall be the exact values
rounded to 3 significant digits, if n = 2.
IEC 61260-2014, E.3.2 and E.3.3 state that the nominal values shall be the exact values,
rounded to 3 significant digits, if the most significant one is 1 - 4
2 significant digits, if the most significant one is 5 - 9,
if 4 <= n <= 24
IEC 61260-2014, E.5 states that the nominal values shall be the exact values,
rounded to as many significant digits as needed to provide
unique mid-band values within a decade,
if n > 24
Examples: Electro-acoustic equipment often utilizes n-th octave bands,
but displays standardized nominal values with a
reference frequency of 1 kHz for user-friendlines.
(1) To obtain the audible frequencies in 3rd octaves, use
>> nthoct(3, 10, 20000, ...
>> ReferenceFrequency = 1000, Base = 10, ...
>> IgnoreEvenDenominator = false, IgnoreUniqueness = false)
Note: All arguments of nthoct are optional and these are the defaults.
To get the exact same returned values, use
>> nthoct()
(2) To obtain the frequencies of 6th octaves, use
>> nthoct(6)
Note: 6 is even. Therefore 1 kHz is not a center frequency, but a band-edge.
(3) To tune instruments to A = 440 Hz in equal 12-tone temperament, use
>> nthoct(12, 27.5, 4200, ReferenceFrequency = 440, Base = 2, IgnoreEvenDenominator = true)
Author: Axel Heusser

Cite As

Axel Heußer (2025). nthoct: n-th Octave Frequencies and Wavelengths (IEC 61260) (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/77055-nthoct-n-th-octave-frequencies-and-wavelengths-iec-61260), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

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Created with R2024a
Compatible with R2020b and later releases
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Version Published Release Notes

Due to a rounding mistake, the lower and upper range limits could be off by one.


Shortened function name: nthoct.
Minor updates to improve readability.


to avoid NaNs in the output table, it was re-arranged to lower band-edge | center freq | upper band-edge


fixed error when flipping the results' direction: flip -> flipud


Bug Fix: b was divided by the gcd of a and b, but a was already overwritten.
Added: short in/output descriptions.
Changed: output order.


Major Update: Now fully compliant with the latest IEC 61260.


added missing quotation mark, simplified table print command (if <print_table> contains 'print', the output table is printed to the console)


Bug fix for base 10 calculation! Previous version only calculated base 2, although base 10 was selected.


major update: no more estimating, everything is calculated mathematically exact -> avoids loops, slightly faster execution time

corrected Description


Printing the output table is now flagged with argin 'PrintTable'.


You can also pass n as in char type as a fraction 'a/b'. Passing n is equal to passing '1/n' as the first argument.
To print an overview of the results just un-comment the code below % print output in the %% output section.
