
Label subplots in a composite figure
Updated 10 Jan 2021

This class labels subplots or tiles in a composite figure. Say, you are having several subplots like this on here:

for r = 1:6; subplot(2,3,r); plot(rand(5)); end

Now, you can create the plot as shown in the figure by following command:

h = subplotlabel(gcf,'a','location','southwest');

subplotlabel makes it easy to change the size of the labels using the commands
bigger(h) or smaller(h), or the font style with italic(h) or bold(h)

Cite As

Wolfgang Schwanghart (2024). subplotlabel (, GitHub. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2020b
Compatible with R2016b and later releases
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux
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