Color Trajectory Plot

A multi-color line based on a 2D trajectory with corresponding color data.
Updated 9 Jul 2021

Colored Trajectory Plot

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Version: 1.0

This chart creates a multi-color line based on a 2D trajectory with corresponding color data.


  • colorTrajectoryPlot(x,y) create a multi-color line plot following the 2D path specified by the coordinates x and y using the index of each coordinate to determine the color of the line. x and y must be numeric vectors of equal length.
  • colorTrajectoryPlot(x,y,c) create a multi-color line plot following the 2D path specified by the coordinates x and y using values from c to determine the color of the line at each coordinate. x, y, and c must be numeric vectors of equal length.
  • colorTrajectoryPlot() create a multi-color line plot using only name-value pairs.
  • colorTrajectoryPlot(___,Name,Value) specifies additional options for the multi-color line plot using one or more name-value pair arguments. Specify the options after all other input arguments.
  • colorTrajectoryPlot(parent,___) creates the multi-color line plot in the specified parent.
  • h = colorTrajectoryPlot(___) returns the colorTrajectoryPlot object. Use h to modify properties of the plot after creating it.

Name-Value Pair Arguments/Properties

  • XData (n x 1 numeric vector) x-coordinates of the trajectory.
  • YData (n x 1 numeric vector) y-coordintaes of the trajectory.
  • ColorData (n x 1 numeric vector) data used to determine the color of the line.
  • Colormap (m x 3 matrix of RGB triplets) colormap used to convert ColorData into colors.
  • ColorLimits (1 x 2 numeric vector) limits used to convert ColorData into colors.
  • ColorLimitsMode ('auto' or 'manual') mode for the color limits.
  • ColorbarVisible (scalar matlab.lang.OnOffSwitchState) display the colorbar or not.
  • LineWidth (scalar positive double) line width of the trajectory.
  • TitleText (n x 1 string vector) title of the plot.
  • SubtitleText (n x 1 string vector) subtitle of the plot.
  • ColorbarLabel (n x 1 string vector) label on the colorbar.


Create a multi-color trajectory plot using x, y, and color data generated by the helper script randomWalk.

[x,y,c] = randomWalk;
c = colorTrajectoryPlot(x,y,c);
c.ColorbarLabel = "Firing Rate (Hz)";

Cite As

Benjamin Kraus (2024). Color Trajectory Plot (, GitHub. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2021a
Compatible with R2020b and later releases
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux
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