Gautam Vallabha


Active since 2011

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How can I use custom ROS messages with Robotics System Toolbox?
I want to create a ROS message of type atlas_msgs/AtlasCommand, but rosmessage doesn't work with it. I get the following error: ...

10 years ago | 2 answers | 1



Login problem in target installer
Are you using a web proxy? (From the toolstrip, select "Preferences", then select "Web"). There is a known problem with R2013...

11 years ago | 0

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A problem with installing all support packages
When a support package is installed, an entry is added to the user's MATLAB preferences with the name of the installed support p...

11 years ago | 1

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How do I install hardware support packages on a non-internet PC?
*Step A - On an Internet-connected computer, do the following:* # Launch Support Package Installer # Select "Download from I...

11 years ago | 3

Arduino-Matlab-Servo without shield
Take a look at the MATLAB source code and the accompanying sketch file for <

12 years ago | 0

Arduino Simulink I/O
With the Run on Target Hardware capability (in R2012a), the pin state is not tunable, i.e., you cannot set a pin an an output an...

12 years ago | 0

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Lego Mindstorm installation problem
Try the following steps. # Disable the antivirus or other network activity monitors on your system, and try to manually down...

12 years ago | 1

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Send a float number to Arduino Target (Serial Receive) using Serial Send (instrument control toolbox)
For sending data from MATLAB to Arduino, take a look at the < ...

12 years ago | 0

Send a sine wave out of matlab to arduino
I assume you want to output the sinusoid values to an "analog output" (PWM) pin. Take a look at <

12 years ago | 0

Is there any full explanation or smart example how to implement hardware target ?
Take a look at the following resources - * <

12 years ago | 2

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arduino IO package simulink
There is a little bit of setup work needed for the Arduino IO Package. Make sure to read through the README.txt file (it is at t...

12 years ago | 0

Quickly converting country names to numbers
You can use < containers.Map>. First, populate the map (assu...

12 years ago | 1

How to reshape this matrix?
Test matrix A = rand(2,3,3); Solution #1 D = reshape(permute(A, [1 3 2]), [6 3]) Solution #2 B = mat2cell(A, ...

12 years ago | 0

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arduino IO package simulink
The ArduinoIO Package and the Arduino Target use different Simulink blocks, and are entirely separate implementations. * To u...

12 years ago | 1

Lego Mindstorm installation problem
I assume you are referring to the < Run on Target Hardware> capabili...

12 years ago | 0

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Simulink, MS Visual Studio and Lego NXT
I assume you are referring to the < Run on Target Hardware> capabili...

12 years ago | 0

Arduino Interrupts
I assume you are referring to the < Run on Target Hardware> support ...

12 years ago | 1

Ploting analog input in real time
It is possible that one of your plots is being overwritten by the other plot. The standard plot command (plot(x,y)) uses the cur...

13 years ago | 1

3d animation using virtual reality
Take a look at < Simulink 3D Animation>. It allows you to load in and visualize a...

13 years ago | 0

Mex function -Error:Module could not be found-Checked with dependency walker and added the folder to the path but still the same problem
Make sure that the Visual C++ compiler that you are using is one of the <

13 years ago | 0

get values proportional to most occurence
You can use the FIND command to identify indices that match a criterion. For example: x = ceil(rand(1,5000)*100); % make...

13 years ago | 1

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Utilizing Matlab for Teaching Applied Calculus for Engineering Technology
Here are some relevant items: * < Classroom ...

13 years ago | 1

converting m-file to c-code
If you just want to convert MATLAB code to C code, you don't need to create a Simulink block. You can just create a MATLAB fun...

14 years ago | 2

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simulink model from matrix
Hi Tomas, You can write a MATLAB function that takes the matrix and uses the Simulink API to automatically create, save, and ...

14 years ago | 2

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