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Best method for identifying the color
Think of the color of a pixel being a vector in a 3 dimensional space. What you want to do is find the angle of the color vector...
7 years ago | 0
table for string
You'll need to make you table a cell array. Try this: a = 12345; b = num2str(a); Table{1} = b; % Notice the curly brackets...
10 years ago | 1
| accepted
Retaining Minor Grid Status Upon Loading a Saved Figure
I seem to be running into an issue that I can't seem to solve. I can't seem to save the state of the minor grid lines. I'll make...
11 years ago | 0 answers | 0
answershow to put heading for columns of matrix?
If you have MATLAB 2013b, I would look into using tables doc table
11 years ago | 1
Is there an easy way to find the radius of curvature of a series of points?
Yup. There are a few solutions on the file exchange. For 2D lines try this <
11 years ago | 0
Problem with a for loop
It's much easier than this. The function *mean* allows you to specify a dimension over which to operate. For you, you would ...
11 years ago | 0
How can I reshape a 3D matrix without changing the order of the data
Use the function *permute*. It switches the order of the dimensions. You would want something like: A = permute(A,[3 1 2...
11 years ago | 2
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Copy file from one network computer, to another
Not really. If you want to bypass your machine you'll need to execute the command on either the source or the destination machin...
11 years ago | 0
Boolean Variables in Matlab
No. MATLAB does not have any native bit sized data types. The best you are going to be able to do is to (without creating your o...
11 years ago | 0
How to open file array with fopen?
You just need to index into J properly. J looks to be a cell array so you need to use curly brackets. Try replacing your fope...
11 years ago | 0
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while statements - imposing two conditions
Sounds like either *L2normpercentold* or *Diffpart1* are not scalars. How you get around this depends on what type of behavior y...
11 years ago | 0
Directory not loading in the correct order
Just sort the list of file by date before doing anything with them. Example % Get the files in the directory wd='C:...
11 years ago | 0
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Get location from GPS coordinates?
You will need to write a script that uses a geocoding service. < Goo...
11 years ago | 0
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How to copy one image to another (blank) pixel by pixel?
You should try this: Xc = imread('IM1.jpg'); blank = Xc; imshow(blank);
11 years ago | 1
Indexing negative and positive elements of a vector
help sign doc sign
11 years ago | 1
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Fitting Lorentzian curve to noisy data
You many want to try this: <>
11 years ago | 0
How to find x,y matrix using for sintax
It's really simple if you use the functions *find* and *any*. See below: ind1 = find(any(x == 1,2),1); ind2 = find(any...
11 years ago | 0
How can I randomly select a row from a matrix?
Try using *randi* Example randomRow = m(randi(size(m,1)),:);
11 years ago | 2
to find the missing date and time in the time series data?
# Convert the dates to a date number using *datenum*. # Take the difference using *diff*. # Find the outliers by comparing the...
11 years ago | 1
Pulling .mat files from multiple directories in one function
When you call load, you are not referencing them by their file name only (i.e. no directory). Try something like this: func...
11 years ago | 0
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Using regexp to capture parts of a filename
Your slash is the wrong way. Try: experimentName =regexp(str,'DD2CM(\d*)','match')
11 years ago | 0
Delete letters in a string variable
To detect which charectors are letters, you can use the function *isletter*. Then just simply delete the ones that are letters ...
11 years ago | 2
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If statement for a values in a string
The variable *h* does appear to be a string, but rather a vector of doubles. What you want to use to determine if a scalar is eq...
11 years ago | 0
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Load mat files located path into a function
Not sure if I understand your problem, but it sounds like you want the data in your mat file loaded as variables in the workspac...
11 years ago | 0
compare loops and matrix computation.
This has some good information on the topic: <>
11 years ago | 0
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