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How to get a string from a cell array given a row?
"......I select the first option in listdlg and indx = 1. Now what I want to do is use that number to correlate to a string vari...
1 day ago | 0
Fittype that calls a subfunction and integration with appdesigner
As I expected, if the subfunction is an m-file in the working space, it works just fine...I built a toy app that mimics your pos...
1 day ago | 1
I have the error "Unexepected Matlab expression", how can I solve it ?
equations Q == H.q; % Débit entrant dans le port hydraulique H_head == H.p / (rho * 9.81); % Calcul de la hauteu...
1 day ago | 0
automate scatter markers colours in groups
Alternate way to define the c vector index for lookup and using a colormap... x=1:12; y=rand(size(x)); % make up some data....
2 days ago | 0
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automate scatter markers colours in groups
You need to either predefine n/Groups colors if you want them to be specific colors or you can use a linear index into a color m...
2 days ago | 1
Is it possible to reduce this for loop into one line of code?
load test11 whos Headers There aren't any missing in Headers so we'll make up some... H=Headers; H(3)={''}; H(5)=H(3) H(is...
3 days ago | 0
How to simplify this for-loop into a one line of code?
load test10 whos A ~tf & map2 A(~tf & map2) try A(~tf & map2)=str2double(A(~tf & map2)) catch ME ME.message ...
3 days ago | 0
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Can I create stackedplot with arrays of different row lengths?
Augment each shorter dataset to the length of the longest with NaT for the time and NaN for the data. The plotting routines wil...
5 days ago | 0
Why are minor ticks not being added to my graph?
d=datetime(2024,6,3+[0:35],'format','MM-dd'); % datetimes by day scatter(d,rand(size(d))) hAx=gca; hAx.XAxis.MinorTickValue...
5 days ago | 0
How to read all rows of an Excel with missing rows included?
Actually, I had forgotten until the error message above reminded me...there is one way without the import options struct, but it...
6 days ago | 2
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How to read all rows of an Excel with missing rows included?
You can see if it has been fixed (I submitted bug/enhancement report quite some time ago), but I'm still at R2021b, but readcel...
6 days ago | 1
Displaying non existant array elements
x=1:0.5:5; for i=1:length(x); y(i)=x(i)^2; end fprintf(' x y\n') Results=[x;y]; fprintf('%10.2f %...
7 days ago | 1
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Add custom property to word via actxserver
Let's start with your code to create the actxserver and open the document to get the ActiveDocument object handle... Then, when...
8 days ago | 0
How can I make the Nichols chart background grid more prominent when using Nicholsplot? (Too faint.)
Unfortunately, no. There is no 'Linestyle' exposed property for the grid. Unfortunately, this is yet another of the containe...
11 days ago | 1
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Polarhistorgram color by coordinate
w=warning("off",'MATLAB:table:ModifiedAndSavedVarnames'); % turn of nag warning on variable naming tWD=readtable('weather_dat...
11 days ago | 0
Why does the Code Analyzer flag this as an error?
Having warning() inside the catch clause is the problem -- the catch clause is executed only when an error condition exists and ...
17 days ago | 1
how to get variable output from pv array when variable 1000 irradiance and temperature is given
% Get rid of duplicated code -- dpb % clear all % Iscs=7.84; %% Short Circuit Current at panel name plate details % Imps...
18 days ago | 0
Why doesn’t contour plot run when I add ‘ShowText’? Is my data set too big?
We don't have the ranges for T,S but they appear to be pretty closely spaced from the plot. Either only plot every Nth point or...
19 days ago | 0
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Incompatible size error for display function
f=10; b=f+5; disp("You can throw a forehand about " + f + " meters which means you can throw a backhand about " + b + " meters....
20 days ago | 0
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catch.ME returns incorrect line number for error
"....except returning correct line number where error occured." When MATLAB throws an error in the try section of a try, catch ...
20 days ago | 0
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Counting the amount of times a specific error appears
It would be easier to be sure solve the problem if you would attach a sample file, but... ... % Get a list of all files in the...
22 days ago | 0
Plot multiple values in a single bar in bar plot
bar can't do that alll by itself without some help, but one can coerce things into what (I think) you asked for...comments in li...
22 days ago | 1
Avoid negative sign with compose() when output is zero, e.g. '-0' or '-0.0'
num = -0.04; fprintf('%.1f\n', num) This is the normal and expected behavior when the value is rounded because it IS negative....
23 days ago | 1
Suppress uitable cell borders
No. The only user-settable style properies are those accessible via uistyle which does not include a borders property. Could b...
28 days ago | 0
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Data (.csv) extraction issue using "readtable"
d=dir('*.csv'); % get the file names so don't have to code individually for i=1:numel(d) ...
1 month ago | 1
Different X axis location. Unsure Why.
set(0, "DefaultAxesFontName", "Courier New"); set(0, "DefaultTextFontName", "Courier New"); Raman = readtable("Ufile5.csv"); ...
1 month ago | 0
How to align position of titles in subplots?
for i=1:15 hAx(i)=subplot(5,3,i); plot(rand(10,1)) title(num2str(i,'Figure %d')) %hAx(i).TitleHorizontalAlignment='l...
1 month ago | 0
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Using 3 "y" axes for multiple plot
ombre_excel = 'Hoja_fuente.xlsx'; datos = readtable (nombre_excel); datos.Properties.VariableNames=strrep(datos.Properties.Var...
2 months ago | 1
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How can I filter a FFt signal to only show the main frequency?
Your signal is really quite short so it's hard to do too much about averaging other than using overlap, but the easy way of roun...
2 months ago | 0
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