Brandon Eidson
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Numerical Integration with two variables
Hey Vinesh, If you are looking for continuous integration, I think you are looking for something like the "integral2" function. ...
7 years ago | 0
How to use Simscape Mutlibody in accelerator Mode?
Hey Karem, I think what you are experiencing is expected behavior. Simscape Multibody visualization using the Mechanics Explore...
7 years ago | 0
Reading HDFS from Matlab - what toolboxes do I need?
Hadoop Sequence Files can be read directly in base MATLAB. <https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/import_export/read-and-anal...
7 years ago | 1
When is the compiler invoked in Simulink
The short answer is more-or-less, "The compiler does not come into play if you are merely generating the C/C++ code." If one is...
7 years ago | 1
how to find resistance and capacitance values from impedance measurements at different frequencies?
Hello Consuelo, I understand that you have the electrical impedance (R + jX) measurements for various frequencies for a series r...
7 years ago | 0
Timing for a DAQ motor controller?
Hello Alasdair, I understand you are wanting to control a motor using MathWorks products. However, without more details about y...
7 years ago | 0
Cumsum of array, sum of previous data
The contribution from the previous MATLAB answers post provides a very elegant solution that utilizes some of MATLAB's most powe...
7 years ago | 1
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I have problem with derivative of an Input to Simulink-PS Converter
Sebastian's comments are important. I'd like to also add that the difference in the derivatives is expected. Simulink's solver...
7 years ago | 1
burning .m code to raspberrypi 3 model B
Hey Anse, Walter is correct, there is no tool that auto-generates Python code from MATLAB code. If you have access to Simulink ...
8 years ago | 0
I receive the opening error
Hey Marco, I highly recommend contacting whoever it is that manages your account's MATLAB licenses. He or she should be able to...
8 years ago | 0
Simscape custom component - Spring based poppet valve - How to define if-based limit in the equation section?
This message indicates that the component is "overdefined" in the sense that there are so many equations that Simscape cannot un...
8 years ago | 0
Question regarding comparing shape of two graphs using correlation coefficient (xcorr function)
Hey Nabil, the problem you present is an interesting one. Unfortunately, I do not think a correlation calculation between signa...
8 years ago | 0
Design High-pass filter with very low cut-off frequency
Hey Svetlana, there is no theoretical limitation to where a high-pass filter's cut-off frequency can be. If you have not alread...
8 years ago | 1
How do I include a variable inside an identity matrix so that i can sum up a tensor multiplication including the identity matrices?
Hey Aaron, your question is an interesting one. I understand that you are trying to come up with a symbolic solution for a vari...
8 years ago | 0
Saving a uitable contents for any number of columns.
Hey Jason, assuming your various-column-numbered files have a repeatable format, you can create the FORMAT string based on your ...
8 years ago | 0
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Hovering mouse over a variable suddenly doesn't show present value in R2015b?
Hey Cynthia, I believe the feature to which you are referring is the ability to view variable values in a data tip window while ...
8 years ago | 0
Power calculations in the dq0 reference frame?
Hey Chanditha, changing the dq0 reference frame will result in _no_ change in any power calculation--given you use the same refe...
8 years ago | 0
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Missing Feature plot and select "Characteristics > Peak Response"
Hey Muzammil, I have used R2016b Control System Toolbox to display Peak Response, Rise Time, etc. using the "step" function. Th...
8 years ago | 0
Looking to Solve these equations using matlab
Hey Justin, it looks like John has guided you to a good approach. You should be able to use "fsolve" to calculate a solution. ...
8 years ago | 0
Running Simulink from within a Matlab function
Hey Enrico, the reason you are getting an error now that you have enclosed the script in a function is because a function has it...
8 years ago | 0
Implementing a while loop
Hey Fazal, a MATLAB Function block with execute each simulation time step. This means that, each time step, the entire while lo...
8 years ago | 0
Custom FFT Function generates "Insufficient Number of Outputs"
Hey Derrick, the only error I immediately see in your code is with your use of the "axis" command; you left off the brackets. T...
8 years ago | 0
hello i have programmed two ir switches to measure velocity using the arduino uno and have used the arduino coding to calculate my velocity. I am trying to link this velocity as input into matlab so i can graph the results, how do i link this
Hello Robert, I would recommend reading about the MATLAB Support Package for Arduino Hardware and the Simulink Support package f...
8 years ago | 0
i'm working on a VAR model and can't seem to find a code that can help me get my AIC,BIC and HQIC. hoping i can get some help with this. Thanks!
Hey Paapa, if you have not already, you should probably check out the documentation for the "aic" function (part of the System I...
8 years ago | 0
How can i link the powersys domain with my BLDC motor model?
Hey Om, the issue you are facing is a common one. I have inspected the model you sent over. The root of the issue if that you ...
8 years ago | 0
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Command line output for Stateflow actions in R2016b
Hey Dima, as of R2016b, these outputs now show up in the Diagnostic Viewer rather than the Command Window. If you have a us...
8 years ago | 0
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change code of a matlab function within a simulink model with a script
Hey Bernhard, I am not immediately aware of a way to accomplish precisely what you are asking. I can think of two close alterna...
8 years ago | 0
How do I load standalone ROS Simulink Node outside of Matlab/Simulink?
I think I'm a bit unclear on what your use case is. A typical workflow is to connect to to the target from Simulink using the s...
8 years ago | 0
Trying to optimize weights of series of combinations (250 in total) of 10-stock portfolios for Omega Ratio, with weights bound from 0<->1, and total of weights = 1.
Hey Andrew, it's hard to answer your question precisely without knowing about your Data variable. One would need to know the da...
8 years ago | 1
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Simscape Powersystems Asynchronous machine initialization code
Hey Karanjot, I have confirmed that the "SM" structure, like the "AsynchronousMachineInit" function, is private and cannot be vi...
8 years ago | 0
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