Calculate and mark maximum radiation points of antenna or array on radiation pattern
Since R2024b
marks the maximum radiation points and their corresponding azimuth and elevation angles on
the 3-D radiation pattern of the specified antenna or array at the specified frequency.
This function plots maximum directivity for the lossless antennas and maximum gain for the
lossy antennas.object
This function uses pattern
function internally to plot the
radiation pattern.
marks the maximum radiation points and their corresponding azimuth and elevation angles
within a radiation pattern region of the specified antenna or array at the specified
frequency. The radiation pattern region is defined by the object
This function plots maximum directivity for the lossless antennas and maximum gain for the lossy antennas.
marks the maximum radiation points and their corresponding azimuth and elevation angles on
the 3-D radiation pattern or a specific pattern region of the specified array at the
specified frequency using one or more Name-Value Arguments.Name=Value
This function plots maximum directivity for the lossless antennas and maximum gain for the lossy antennas.
calculates and returns the maximum radiation value in dBi within a radiation pattern
region of the specified antenna or array at the specified frequency. The radiation pattern
region is defined by the rad
= peakRadiation(object
and elevation
This function returns maximum directivity for the lossless antennas and maximum gain for lossy antennas.
calculates and returns the maximum radiation value in dBi from the 3-D radiation pattern
or a specific pattern region of the specified array at the specified frequency using one
or more Name-Value Arguments.rad
= peakRadiation(___,Name=Value
This function returns maximum directivity for the lossless antennas and maximum gain for lossy antennas.
calculates and returns the maximum radiation value in dBi and its corresponding azimuth
and elevation angles from the 3-D radiation pattern of the specified antenna or array at
the specified frequency. This function returns maximum directivity for the lossless
antennas and maximum gain for lossy antennas.rad
] = peakRadiation(object
calculates and returns the maximum radiation value in dBi and its corresponding azimuth
and elevation angles within a radiation pattern region of the specified antenna or array
at the specified frequency. The radiation pattern region is defined by the
] = peakRadiation(object
and elevation
This function returns maximum directivity for the lossless antennas and maximum gain for lossy antennas.
calculates and returns the maximum radiation value in dBi and its corresponding azimuth
and elevation angles from the 3-D radiation pattern or a specific pattern region of the
specified array at the specified frequency using one or more Name-Value Arguments.rad
] = peakRadiation(___,Name=Value
This function returns maximum directivity for the lossless antennas and maximum gain for lossy antennas.
Input Arguments
Output Arguments
Version History
Introduced in R2024b