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Create money-market tree from Black-Derman-Toy interest-rate tree


MMktTree = mmktbybdt(BDTTree) MMktTree = mmktbybdt(BDTTree) creates a money-market tree from an interest-rate tree structure created by bdttree.



collapse all

Use a bdttree from the deriv.mat and create a money-market tree from the BDT interest-rate tree.

load deriv.mat;
MMktTree = mmktbybdt(BDTTree)
MMktTree = struct with fields:
      FinObj: 'BDTMmktTree'
        tObs: [0 1 2 3 4]
    MMktTree: {[1]  [1.1000 1.1000]  [1.2077 1.2324 1.2575]  [1.3256 1.3633 1.4510 1.5017]}


Figure Tree Viewer contains 2 axes objects and other objects of type uicontrol. Axes object 1 contains 22 objects of type line. Axes object 2 is empty.

Input Arguments

collapse all

BDT interest-rate tree structure, specified by bdttree.

Data Types: struct

Output Arguments

collapse all

Money-market tree, returned as a tree structure.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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